Floriane Aubrit
Paul Bouisset
Corentin Fabry
Stéréolux (partner)
What experience?
Tangible datavizualisation. This project aims to create a product that would represent digital datas in the physical world. We designed a "living" object that represents the data of the air quality in different cities around the world to raise awareness of the pollution in our cities. The better the air quality is, the easier the object is "breathing", and vice versa.
Project designed in 3 days
February 2014
Rhino 3D / Sketchup / Autocad / Laser cutter / MakerBot 3D printer / Arduino / Processing / MadMapper
Our principal idea was to represent a data stream with a biomimetic approach. We wanted the object to be "alive".
After a big brainstorming, our inspiration came to a lung which will breath depending on the amount of pollution in different cities around the world.

We designed the global shape of the object. A 3d model was made and we used a laser cut machine to create the wooden framework of the lung from blueprints.

We assembled the wooden structure and then used a lycra material for the husk.

To obtain the air pollution data, we used the software Processing which gets this data from the website aqicn.org for different cities.

Those data then animate the breath of the lung using an arduino card and a system associating motors and 3d printed mecanism.

We did a mapping projection of different cities'maps that look like radiographies.